Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy + Tired weeKend For Nur Iman Raudhah

Assalamualaikum wbt,

3 March 2012 was a busy day for Nur Iman Raudhah. Morning, attend Aunty Aisyah's Akad nikah ceremony and evening session was a happy family gathering with tok Abah's side....

At Aunty aisyah's house, Iman met lots of uncles n lovely auties.. thanks to all sbb puji Iman behave. Iman kan anak solehah..xnanges and tak buat perangai..

Iman jumpa cik syud, cik mina, cik anfal, cik ain, cik nadia, uncle den, uncle abadi, uncle maunz, uncle ijud dan ramai lagi la (sorry if xsebut nama uncle n aunty kt sini)

Aunty Aishah shantek sgt tp uncle mansur mcm dak kecik..mcm abah Iman Abah Iman skg dh grow up kt peyooott...hensem :P

Nur Iman doakan Uncle mansur dan Aunty Aisyah happy dan berkekalan hingga ke syurga...Amin..

Then, ptg plak kat umah tok abah, ade buat gathering makan2 @ pot luck...since belah tok Abah, Iman dpt 3 org kawan.. ( amanda, amsyar dan Adam) kami sebaya... :) nanti bleh scholl same2 and study same2... :)

Iman penat sgt hari nih..Iman tak cukup tidur and Iman xlarat nak minum shushu...Sorry if you olls tgk Iman tak senyum..Iman penaaaat :)

So, Layan kan aja gambar2 di bawah :p

~from uncle mansur utk aunty Aisyah~

~from aunt Aisyah to uncle mansur~
~Aunty Aisyah n family~
~Iman sleep, my fren Haris pun sleep~

~Iman with Cik Nurul's Frens~

~with all uncles and auties~

~with all the mommies and the cicits of mummy melaka~
~Iman with Amsyar and abg Aiman~

Next day, Iman outing with mama iman, abah iman, tok abah, tok mama, cik nurul and Uncle Har..we all went to Seoul Garden!! yummy kummi!!! nanti Iman post gambar kt seoul Garden k :)

Nur Iman : Abah, mama request beg coach mcm aunty Aisyah boleh? :))

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