Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thank You Cik NuruL

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Today Iman nak say thanks to Cik Nurul coz Iman dpt byk gift from Cik NuruL.. Nur Iman suke sgt..

i love to read book so Cik Nurul Bought me few books at islamic book expo... Thankx a lot..

~Buku alifbata n alpahbet book..Mama iman pun dpt buku dr Cik Nurul...Anakku hebat Anakku soleh~

Iman dpt lagi present from Cik Nurul.. Ape ek????


Play Gym!!!

~cantik x iman punye play Gym? iman sukek main with my play Gym!!~

By the way, Nur iman dh boleh pusing2 n dah boleh meniarap!! Alhamdulillah....

Video nih time nur iman dh penat meniarap...dh xmau tunjuk skill meniarap dpn abah iman....sleepy gurL

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